torsdag 5 januari 2012


Why didn't anyone tell me about this earlier??

Hade jag vetat det jag vet nu så hade kanske ledigheten fallit ut mer väl. Men verkligen något att ha i åtanke till nästa julledighet :)
Ja, vad skall jag säga, man lär sig något nytt varje dag!

Textsnutten som följer är hämtad från Mark Hunter's website, www.thesaleshunter .com
Gå in där om du vill läsa mer!
Mycket bra inspiration & motivation!

Why You Should Prospect During the Holidays

In fact, if you do it right, it can create significant new opportunities. I’m not saying the holidays are not a time of year to enjoy, because certainly we all know they are.

As a salesperson, though, you would be foolish to not recognize what is unique about this time of year when it comes to prospecting.

First thing to realize when prospecting during the holidays is that traditional business methods tend to be ignored.

By this I mean that it is not unusual during the holidays for people who don’t normally read emails to suddenly start reading emails. The same is true of phone calls — many people who normally let all calls rollover to voice mail will suddenly start answering the phone or actually return a vendor’s phone call.

Step one when prospecting is to tap into your referral list.
Second step is to reach out to those on your referral list.
Third step is to continue the process by reaching out to other prospects.

Prospecting during the holidays? You should do it. You really, really should.

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